Monday, January 4, 2010

The New Year: What's on the Menu?

2010 has come, and it got here faster than I expected. There are parts of 2009 that I will definitely miss, but most of its events I have seen off without so much as an impersonal goodbye. Everyone has his "mulligan" year, and mine was definitely no exception. Among the many occasions that Murphy's law threw a monkey wrench into my life's engine:

-Copious and nagging car trouble. I definitely won't miss fixing that damn thing every two weeks.

-Stagnancy with Cobalt Cali. We didn't do nearly enough this year, and this band deserves better. Much of our latency was well beyond our control, but I am going to work a hundred times harder.

-My Stupid Mouth. John Mayer hit the nail right on the head with that song. I let my tongue go off half cocked several times this year, and it yielded negative, if not devastating, results on more that one occasion. My goal is to maintain my sense of candor and reality without throwing so many damn verbal ninja stars.

-My own fear of letting people down. I finally realize that no matter how hard I try, I can't please everyone all the time. If fact, I'm doing pretty well to appease a minute fraction of the populace on sparse and rare occasions. I am going to strive to make myself happy in order to better serve others. This means a lot of things are going to change. No more fear of what Person A is going to think about this, or Person B is going to think I'm lame for saying that.

Granted, 2009 was definitely not without some degree of fruition. I developed many new friendships that have blessed my life with laughter, compassion and support. I have taken the time to analyze what will make my life better. I made a good bit of money. I have helped, and I have been helped. I have been a part of one EP release with Amalgamation. It's really nice to see a CD with your name and picture on it in stores!

So, I've comprised a short list of goals for the upcoming year. Some are deep and poignant, while some are lighthearted and funny. Peruse at your leisure.

-Get the Cobalt Cali CD rolling.
-Go on Wheel of Fortune.
-Take a few relationships to the level they should be.
-Get a dog (preferably an "outside dog" like a Lab or Collie)
-Travel back to the West Coast this summer with band and friends.
-Quit Smoking.
-Try out for DSU football team (I know some readers are thinking, "WTF?")
-Play lots and lots and lots of softball.
-Make my friends laugh.
-Make myself laugh.
-Talk to Mom and Dad more often.
-Write more. For papers, magazines, blogs and any other reason.
In short my New Year's Resolution goes something like this:



  1. Loved it!! Wheel of Fortune, football team? How ironic & intriguing!! Overall, I think the goals are original & heartfelt!

  2. Love the football thing, I believe it is your other side that people don't know so much about.
